Because studying for finals is a total drag, I've decided to fill you guys in on the latest news in the life of Gabby:
As those closest to me know, I've always been passionate about both poverty alleviation and natural resource conservation, and my goal come end of my master's program was to find a way to piece these two together. Well people... it's happening!!! A little over a month from now your Gabby will be off to work on her dream internship! As part of our master program it is required to write a master thesis by your third or fourth semester. A month or so ago, one of the PhD candidates in our department came to class to offer a position for a master thesis in the Amazonian forest in Peru. The thesis involves working with indigenous communities in the Amazonian forest to ensure environmental conservation and sustainability for the purpose of improving the well-being of these farming households. My heart skipped a beat. This was exactly what I wanted to do for my master thesis! I applied, and to my surprise and delight, I was the selected candidate for this amazing opportunity. This is HUGE in my book people!
Field work starts beginning of March and goes on for 6 months until the end of September. Initially, I will be stationed in Lima, where the main office is located. Then after summing up what my research is going to be about and developing the needed questionnaires, I will head out to the jungle to work in the villages. Since this is a research project my main job is to first brainstorm with our team a super creative way to improve these communities' conservation efforts. Then I will collect data, and last draft my master thesis as well as a report for the sponsoring organization behind my internship. Pretty darn cool!
I've already spoken to the team in Peru and they seem like such an excellent and supportive group to work with. The project is organized by three different organizations: GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit), University of Goettingen (my university), and the Federal Ministry of Environment in Peru. Since the project started about 3 years ago, I am very excited to learn about what has been done and what can be done to preserve the Amazonian biodiversity. Goes without saying this is an incredibly exciting learning and challenging experience that I'm anxious to begin. Oh, and yes, definitely super grateful that all costs will be covered by the sizable scholarship offered along with the internship. Hurray to that!
So why do you care?
Pretty much because this is definitely your chance to visit Peru. Seriously guys, mi casa es tu casa. Peru is a beauty and definitely a country worth a visit. Plus, I'll be there to show you around! ;)
Here's info on the program plus master thesis:
Con amor,
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Sunday, January 5, 2014
The Perfect Ending: Prague!
I got really lucky too. On my first day in Prague, the skies cleared and the sun was out, which is rare during winter days. I got to see the city in the morning as the sun was rising, in the afternoon during its hectic hours, and during sunset, which reveled to me why this city is often praised in lovers' stories. Truly, truly beautiful.
The Church of Our Lady before Týn |
View of Charles Bridge |
Beer tour in Prague |
Miss. Canada and I |
I have to say, what made my stay in Prague most memorable was my discovery of the super cool free walking tours by Sandemans. I normally don't like tours. I find them boring and I get impatient. I always prefer to explore on my own, but this tour, my gosh, these guys are incredible. They are all volunteers (which means they don't get paid i.e., they only do it because they love it!). I was lucky (again!) by landing the awesomest tour guide ever. His name is Declan he is Irish and literally looks and talks like a pirate. It was a 3 hour tour that felt as if I was sitting in grandmas lap listening to stories of when the world was a different place. We learned the history of Prague while walking its streets, we laughed, we experienced... it was pretty awesome. He navigated us through the Old Town, the Jewish quarter, the entrance of Charles Bridge among many other places. In fact I loved them so much that later that day I decided to do a beer tour of Prague with them. For those of you that travel alone... this is a gem! For only 12 euros (student discount) they took us to four different breweries and served us 3 free beers. I got to taste some of the best Pilsner I have ever tasted in my life. One of the places (name escapes me, sorry!) their Pils was so fresh made 4 days before, no preservatives, uber good!!! During the walking tour I also got to meet a really nice girl Brianna from Canada, since we were both travelling alone we decided to stick together for the remainder of the day. We visited a castle nearby and the dancing house and met later that day for the beer tour. Great meeting you Brianna! I also met another amazing gal from the states, Eryn. Her and I meet on our way to Budapest but later in our travels we got to meet again on my last night in Prague. We ventured to a local bar on a different district where most Czech students hangout, and there we literally shared a sample of 12 0,3 L beers. Pretty delish tho not nearly as good as the ones I tried on the beer tour.
I must say Prague is a beautiful place definitely worth visiting again... preferably with a love one ;)Me and Eryn |
Dancing House |
The astronomical clock |
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Pearl of the Danube
Pearl of the Danube a rightfully given name to a beautiful city--Budapest totally blew my mind!
I met Eric and Judith at the train station, and we immediately headed out to explore the nightlife of Budapest. Given that it was near Christmas eve bars weren't "full" as usual, but mind you they were full! As noted to me by my Hungarian friend people in Budapest don't mess around with their social life. It doesn't matter if you are completely broke, you go out and spare a few forints on restaurants and bars, you socialize, you always hang out with your friends and enjoy all the wonders that life has to offer. I really liked this about Budapest. In more ways than one it reminded me very much of Buenos Aires.
In my opinion Budapest is more of a night city, its charm and eccentricity definitely surfaces during the dark hours. There are restaurants in every corner. At any time you'll find a little hole in the wall that for a few bucks will serve you excellent food. Since Judith and Eric are total foodies, we got to enjoy some of the best of Budapest's culinary art. Two of the most memorable tastes: goose liver pate and the stuffed cabbage (both hiiiighly recommended!!). Drinking is also no joke in Budapest. Hungarians love their pálinka, and I can't blame them, it is freaking delicious. This fruity brandy is distilled from a variety of fruits, and its strength varies depending on the fruit and age of the pálinka. 40-60-80% alcohol it didn't seem to matter much, for the most part, it went down like water. On our first night we went to what are called ruined bars. These retro looking bars are basically old abandoned buildings transformed into club/bars. Every room resembles a different theme. Within these buildings you can find up to 3 bars and 2 dancing floors depending on the size of the place. Definitely a spot to visit. We also got to go to a very cool ice bar in Budapest. Here everything is made out of ice (duh!) and temperature is as low as -5° C. In this chilly little bar I also discovered the greatness of grapefruit infused vodka (seriously you have to try it!).

Although Budapest's nightlife is incredible, this gorgeous city has also lots to offer during the day time. 10 minutes outside and you will be blown away by its architecture. Everywhere you look it's fascinating. Many Gothic cathedrals along with majestic forts and bridges that will make you feel as if you are part of a fairy tale story. What's really magnificent about Budapest is that in no way it resembles the perfect cities of the West. Budapest is dirty, grungy, it has an edge (in some ways like Berlin). The walls and streets they have a story a long painful story of many invasions and constant struggle. Its beauty is not just in its buildings but also in its personality--something that I hold to high esteem. The people are amazing. Hungarians regardless of their difficult past are one of the kindest and sweetest people I have encountered in my travels thus far.
For a wonderful time in your lovely city I thank you Judith, and a million thanks to your family for their hospitality and warmth.
Hope you've enjoyed reading!
One of the ruin pubs |
Although Budapest's nightlife is incredible, this gorgeous city has also lots to offer during the day time. 10 minutes outside and you will be blown away by its architecture. Everywhere you look it's fascinating. Many Gothic cathedrals along with majestic forts and bridges that will make you feel as if you are part of a fairy tale story. What's really magnificent about Budapest is that in no way it resembles the perfect cities of the West. Budapest is dirty, grungy, it has an edge (in some ways like Berlin). The walls and streets they have a story a long painful story of many invasions and constant struggle. Its beauty is not just in its buildings but also in its personality--something that I hold to high esteem. The people are amazing. Hungarians regardless of their difficult past are one of the kindest and sweetest people I have encountered in my travels thus far.
For a wonderful time in your lovely city I thank you Judith, and a million thanks to your family for their hospitality and warmth.
Hope you've enjoyed reading!
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