Saturday, November 16, 2013

Wo bist du, Gabby?

I started this blog at the beginning of my summer semester, and between having too much fun and travelling, I realized, I've said very little about what my life is like here in Germany.

First, a few words about the program. It's a 2-year masters in Development Economics with a focus in Agricultural studies. It combines two of my biggest passions: poverty alleviation and natural resource conservation. For this reason I was stoked upon acceptance. Most masters in development economics tend to be very heavy in economics and give little focus to other fields. This program however, integrates the importance of agricultural knowledge, which pans out to be pretty ideal for my scope of interest. It is a research base program, which pretty much means that it covers theoretical as well as empirical issues in all related topics to development. Since it is an English taught program it attracts a pretty sizable international community, most of which come from Africa, Latin America, and South East Asia. The faculty is darn solid with incredibly interesting research work, and I am happy to report that I am not the only Berkeley alumna in my class!

As for the rest of my experience here in Göttingen: I live in a quasi-student home. It's a seven story building that goes by the name of Mahatma Ghandi House. Located at the north part of the city (where most students live) close to pretty much everything. Not the nicest part of town but it has its charm.

My home Theodor-Heuss-Straße 11 Göttingen, Germany 37075!

My room which I absolutely adore! With enough room for stretching and yoga. Note that Dumbo and Traposin made it safely with me to Germany!

The amazing view from my bedroom window, from where I get to watch beautiful sunsets almost every single day :)

Part of campus

The lecture rooms

My route to class every morning

Downtown Göttingen

The Altes Rathaus

Not to forget the lovely Gänseliesel

And the occasional work days (this was at the International Conference on Resource Efficiency in Inter-organizational Networks 2013 at the Paulinerkirche)

Viel Liebe!